Rob BuckleHypnotherapy & Stress Management in Solihull

A Unique and Holistic Approach to Managing Stress

Stress affects us all at various times, but unless it is ‘managed’ effectively, it can lead to deeper, physical and mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, heart conditions, fibromyalgia etc etc. Treating stress with medication is next to useless, as only the symptoms will be treated and if this approach is continued, it can lead to further complications. Treating severe stress with a natural therapy such as Reflexology, Reiki or Massage is much better, but may still fall short of resolving all issues to the point where the symptoms do not recur.

Rob Buckle's Stress Management Treatment Programme is a truly holistic approach to regaining health and well-being. The aim is to resolve stress issues through a structured programme, designed to look at the whole person, get to the root of the issue(s) and work towards living a life without stress.

The programme will utilise a variety of treatments and you will be guided through a series of steps that will allow you to:

Identify the main root of the issue(s)
• Calm the mind
• Set your intention for healing
• Remove emotional blockages
• Support the body’s health

After an initial, detailed consultation, you will be given an individually tailored treatment plan, to cover a period of time that is deemed realistic to resolve your stress issues. A typical treatment plan may include some or all of the following:

• Tried and tested methods to encourage relaxation
• Meditation techniques for heart coherence; to invite calm, improve focus and transform stress
• Creative visualisation/Hypnotherapy for removing blockages, healing the past, boosting confidence/self-esteem
• Guidance on natural supplements, herbal remedies and essential oils to ease stress symptoms and restore balance to the body
• Rebalancing the body on a physical and energetic level through a combination of at least 2 of the following therapies: Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Back Massage or Eastern Facial Massage


If you want to transform your life and be able, manage your stress levels effectively and live healthily for the long-term, this is the best way to do it. To get the most out of the programme a good level of commitment is needed, but you will be getting the benefit and one to one support of a highly qualified and experienced stress Management Consultant and Natural Health Practitioner, in Rob Buckle.


In the short video, below, Senior Property Developer, Richard, describes the positive, life changing results that Rob Buckle's Stress Management Programme has had on his life. Video includes his experiences of hypnotherapy, reflexology and Thai back massage.

"I was suffering from anxiety, low mood and low confidence. I would recommend Rob's treatments to anyone, as he’s really helped me think, feel and be more positive. I feel much more confident and he’s made me see that if I feel I’m having a bad day - really on a bigger scale it’s really not that bad. He’s made me realise people focus on the bad and negative things in life when that is such a small part and the positive and happier times outweigh much more. He’s made me realise the achievements I’ve accomplished in my life and things to be proud off and given me a positive outlook for the future." (Hannah)

“Depression, Anxiety and Panic attacked me out of nowhere, caused by the build-up of stress, trauma and a recent illness. This damaged my confidence and emotions and I started overthinking to the point where normal day to day activities became too overwhelming for me.

I committed to a stress management course which consist of a mix of Hypnosis (which I found positively powerful yet harmless!) and holistic treatments. At the beginning of each session Rob reviews how you are feeling and the hour and half is tailored to the treatments that will send you home feeling more revived than when you arrived. Rob understood me a lot better than the doctors and spas I had visited and therefore it was so easy to put my trust in Rob!

Within a few weeks I had learnt coping techniques from Rob that would help me for life! I will continue to have treatments with Rob purely for my continued wellbeing. Words cannot express enough my sincere thanks to Rob for helping me regain my health. Now Rob sees me smiling!” (Marie)

It's not just the therapies themselves that make the difference, the advice and the dialogue between us is equally important:

“I am now doing a lot better since I first came to see you. The sessions I did with you really helped me see things more clearly. I would like to thank you for the work we did as it really helped me, not just the practical sessions but also the discussions we had. It all helped me think in a calmer way.“ (Richard D, Solihull)

Example Programmes/Prices

The full programme is carefully structured, so for individuals to get maximum benefit a minimum of 4 sessions is recommended. A customised programme will be worked out with individuals during the initial consultation. Each individual session will be a minimum of 60 minutes in length and some may be 90 minutes or more . What needs to be covered in each session will be covered, regardless of time constraints - this includes time for discussion and reflection of key issues.

1 session – hypnotherapy to reframe anxiety issues- including relaxation techniques - £60

4 sessions – £200 (£50 per session)

Session 1 – Detailed Consultation/Identity the root of the issue(s)/Relaxation techniques
Session 2 - Calming the mind- relaxation based meditation/ visualisation/ Hypnotherapy/Reframing inner dialogue and recurring thought patterns
Session 3 – Releasing blockages/ letting go of negative emotions/– Hypnotherapy
Session 4 – Projecting positive self image/ Moving towards your ‘ultimate self’ - Hypnotherapy

8 Sessions - £350 (£43.75 per session)

Session 1 - Detailed Consultation/Identity the root of the issue(s)/Relaxation techniques/ Reframing the issues
Session 2 - Calming the mind- relaxation based meditation/ visualisation/ Hypnotherapy/Reframing inner dialogue and recurring thought patterns
Session 3 - Releasing blockages/ letting go of fear/anger (or other negative emotion) – Hypnotherapy
Session 4 - Projecting positive self image/Moving towards your ‘ultimate self’ - Hypnotherapy
Session 5 – Reinforcement of issues addressed in Sessions 2, 3 and 4 - Hypnotherapy
Session 6 – Addressing the health of the body – Reflexology and Reiki (Chakra Balance)
Session 7 – Addressing the health of the body – Reflexology and Indian Head Massage (or other holistic therapy)
Session 8 – Addressing the health of the body – Reflexology and Indian Head Massage (or other holistic therapy)

The programme is flexible and can be altered at any stage, according to how you feel about certain sessions or state of well-being at any particular time.

EMDR with Hypnotherapy, for Disassociating from Stress, trauma and cravings

EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) is a therapy that was developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro in 1987 to help people come to terms with and resolve recurring negative emotions, such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression or anger. Such conditions may have been caused by emotional trauma in the past and the therapy helps people to unblock the emotional trauma that may have become stagnant in the mind and body.

EMDR with hypnotherapy allows negative emotions to be removed and a new perspective introduced that can encourage and enhance a positive mindset. It is becoming an increasingly popular therapy method for treating emotional disorders, as the research of it continues to grow and gain credibility

How does EMDR work?

While walking through the woods one day and reflecting on emotionally challenging aspects of her life, psychologist Francine Shapiro happened to notice that her own negative emotions lessened as her eyes darted from side to side. She then found, with repeated experiments, the same positive effects occurred in her patients, when she used a similar technique with them.
In an EMDR treatment, the therapist will use directed lateral eye movements to act as an external stimulus, whilst the client recalls the trauma responsible for their negative emotions.

It is believed that the EMDR process facilitates the accessing of the traumatic memory network of the brain, so that information processing is enhanced. New associations can then be formed between the traumatic memory and the more adaptive, positive memories that the individual has. The treatment, therefore helps the individual form new positive learning with the elimination of emotional distress.

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